Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fun KB workout....

Whenever you have taught KB in 5 different zip codes, you have had a good week. On Saturday, I found myself with a both a pairs of 16kg and 12kg bells in my car and I had about 1 hour to get a workout in. I decided to play around with these smaller bells so here is what I did. A true variety day to say the least.

Halos: 12kg x 1 x 10
Bottom Up Presses: 12kg x 1 x 5; 16kg x 1 x 5 (I did these more than once)
Sots Presses: 12kg, 16kg x 1 x 5 (I found the 16kg sots easier, I should do more of these to improve thoracic mobility)
Double Bottoms Up Presses: 12kg x 1 x 5; 16kg x 2 x 5
Stacked Presses: 12+16kg x 1 x 5; 16kg + 16kg x 1 x 5L/4R
Double Stacked Presses: 12kg+16kg x 1 x 5; 12kg+16kg x 1 x 8 (the clean is challenging)
Single Leg Presses: 16kg x 2 x 5 (exposed some rooting issues that I have)

Double Dead Cleans: 16kg x 1 x 16
Double Snatches: 16kg x 2 x 20
Double Dead Snatches: 16kg x 1 x 10
Double Hang Snatches: 16kg x 1 x 10

Stacked Swings: 16kg+16kg x 2 x 10
Stacked Double Swings: 16kg+12kg x 2 x 10
Double Swings: 16kg x 1 x 30

Double Rack Walks, Double Overhead Walks, and Double Farmers Walks: 60yd each

Sprints: 35yd x 5

It was really fun to do a lot of leverage presses, snatches, and swings and just have fun with a limited set of light bells. It was a great night to work out outdoors in Tampa. I truly feel sorry for those who think a workout is doing crunches and a treadmill (unless you are a hamster with epilepsy).

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