1. "I don't have time to workout!"
2. "It costs so much to stay in shape!"
3. Striving to be perfect for a short time, rather than being very good for a long time.
4. "All {carbs | fat | processed food | junk food | meat} is bad for you."
5. Too many medications.
6. Unbalanced strength training.
7. Poor/misguided use of the SAID principle.
8. Failure to cycle workouts.
9. "I work out, so I can eat this..."
10. No goals.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
New USF KB Club PRs
LH: Stacked 24kg + 24kg Press
PB: Stacked 24kg + 16kg Press
==> Impressive Guys, Snatch PRs are forthcoming!
PB: Stacked 24kg + 16kg Press
==> Impressive Guys, Snatch PRs are forthcoming!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Updated Kettlebell Boot Camps and Workshop Schedule.....
Kettlebell Boot Camps
Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday @ 7:00 PM at Xtreme Athletix
(1505 W Cypress St., Tampa, FL)
Tuesday and Sunday @ 5:30 PM at USF Intramural Fields
Ask about scheduling your tryout (i.e., no slackers), contact (faizalenu@yahoo.com/813-951-7470)

Check my newest Kettlebell workshops!
Kettlebell Instructors Prep Course for RKC Certification
Saturday, March 20, 2010 (11:00 AM - 3:00 PM)
If you are preparing for the RKC workshop, and you want to guarantee that you will pass (and not forfeit at least $1600), you need to do the following:
* Examine your technique to make sure that it is up to snuff with RKC standards.
* Ensure that the safety standards that come with being an RKC are second nature to you.
* Learn what to expect at the RKC certification.
* Learn the techniques and "aha" exercises that will immediately streamline your kettlebell instruction.
* Learn the subtle techniques that will enable you to laugh at the "RKC snatch test."
I am offering this class for only $197. That is a bargain, considering the RKC certification has about a 30-40% failure rate (this is not ACE, ISSA, or any other "exam only" certification).
The most common reason for failure:
* Being out of shape -- NOPE, those people don't normally touch kettlebells
* Failing the snatch test -- NOPE, they made it easier
* Poor Preparation -- Ding Ding Ding Ding...YOU ARE CORRECT
Don't leave your preparation to chance. Contact Coach Faizal (faizalenu@yahoo.com/813-951-7470) to GUARANTEE that you pass.
Saturday March 27, 2010 - 11:00 - 12:30 (Introductory Kettlebell Workshop)
Curious about kettlebells but were afraid to ask?
Come meet Florida's highest rated RKC Certified Kettlebell Instructor, Faizal Enu, and find out his secrets of effective kettlebell training.
Kettlebells help you:
* Build He-Man Strength (even if you are a woman)
* Blast Unsightly Fat
* Increase Mobility and Athleticism
During this 90 minutes workshop, he will be teaching basic and safe techniques for getting the most out of your kettlebell training.
Some of the topics will include:
* The history of the kettlebell.
* Why you should be training with kettlebells.
* How to design kettlebell workouts that make sense (aka, Any yahoo can smoke you!).
* How NOT to hurt your back or rip your hands during kettlebell training.
* How kettlebell training can increase your sports performance.
Before the end of the workshop, you will be put though one of Faizal Enu's best workouts, dripping with sweat but asking for more!
Contact Faizal (faizalenu@yahoo.com/813-951-7470) for registration details.
Cost: $55 same day/$45 if you preregister...

Saturday April 3, 2010 - 10:45 - 12:15 (Core Development)
Core strength, in terms both of mobility and stability, it is the cornerstone of athleticism. Learn how to use kettlebells to improve your core strength. If your idea or abdominal training is endless crunches, you NEED this workshop. A BOSU ball -- it is okay, but not the best?

The foundation exercises taught in this workshop include:
* The Turkish Get Up (or TGU)
* The Renegade Row (learn how to stabilize your core under movement)
* Russian Twists (to hit all of the rotators in the abs)
* One handed farmers walks and deadlifts (to stabilize under uneven loads)
* Figure Eights

Learn not only how to do these exercises, but also how to integrate them into your training program.
If you want to train your core the way athletes do, this workshop is where it's at.
Cost: $55 same day/$45 if you preregister...
Please contact Faizal Enu (faizalenu@yahoo.com/813-951-7470) for registration details for any of the above workshops
Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday @ 7:00 PM at Xtreme Athletix
(1505 W Cypress St., Tampa, FL)
Tuesday and Sunday @ 5:30 PM at USF Intramural Fields
Ask about scheduling your tryout (i.e., no slackers), contact (faizalenu@yahoo.com/813-951-7470)

Check my newest Kettlebell workshops!
Kettlebell Instructors Prep Course for RKC Certification
Saturday, March 20, 2010 (11:00 AM - 3:00 PM)
If you are preparing for the RKC workshop, and you want to guarantee that you will pass (and not forfeit at least $1600), you need to do the following:
* Examine your technique to make sure that it is up to snuff with RKC standards.
* Ensure that the safety standards that come with being an RKC are second nature to you.
* Learn what to expect at the RKC certification.
* Learn the techniques and "aha" exercises that will immediately streamline your kettlebell instruction.
* Learn the subtle techniques that will enable you to laugh at the "RKC snatch test."
I am offering this class for only $197. That is a bargain, considering the RKC certification has about a 30-40% failure rate (this is not ACE, ISSA, or any other "exam only" certification).
The most common reason for failure:
* Being out of shape -- NOPE, those people don't normally touch kettlebells
* Failing the snatch test -- NOPE, they made it easier
* Poor Preparation -- Ding Ding Ding Ding...YOU ARE CORRECT
Don't leave your preparation to chance. Contact Coach Faizal (faizalenu@yahoo.com/813-951-7470) to GUARANTEE that you pass.
Saturday March 27, 2010 - 11:00 - 12:30 (Introductory Kettlebell Workshop)
Curious about kettlebells but were afraid to ask?
Come meet Florida's highest rated RKC Certified Kettlebell Instructor, Faizal Enu, and find out his secrets of effective kettlebell training.
Kettlebells help you:
* Build He-Man Strength (even if you are a woman)
* Blast Unsightly Fat
* Increase Mobility and Athleticism
During this 90 minutes workshop, he will be teaching basic and safe techniques for getting the most out of your kettlebell training.
Some of the topics will include:
* The history of the kettlebell.
* Why you should be training with kettlebells.
* How to design kettlebell workouts that make sense (aka, Any yahoo can smoke you!).
* How NOT to hurt your back or rip your hands during kettlebell training.
* How kettlebell training can increase your sports performance.
Before the end of the workshop, you will be put though one of Faizal Enu's best workouts, dripping with sweat but asking for more!
Contact Faizal (faizalenu@yahoo.com/813-951-7470) for registration details.
Cost: $55 same day/$45 if you preregister...

Saturday April 3, 2010 - 10:45 - 12:15 (Core Development)
Core strength, in terms both of mobility and stability, it is the cornerstone of athleticism. Learn how to use kettlebells to improve your core strength. If your idea or abdominal training is endless crunches, you NEED this workshop. A BOSU ball -- it is okay, but not the best?

The foundation exercises taught in this workshop include:
* The Turkish Get Up (or TGU)
* The Renegade Row (learn how to stabilize your core under movement)
* Russian Twists (to hit all of the rotators in the abs)
* One handed farmers walks and deadlifts (to stabilize under uneven loads)
* Figure Eights

Learn not only how to do these exercises, but also how to integrate them into your training program.
If you want to train your core the way athletes do, this workshop is where it's at.
Cost: $55 same day/$45 if you preregister...
Please contact Faizal Enu (faizalenu@yahoo.com/813-951-7470) for registration details for any of the above workshops
Monday, March 15, 2010
Donna Simpson -- a different kind of weight goal.
I copied the article about a woman's goal to be the fattest woman in the world from 9NEWS. AMAZING to say the least.
Woman aims to become world's fattest
10:30 AEST Mon Mar 15 2010
By ninemsn staff
Donna Simpson, from New Jersey, weighs 273kg but told the Daily Mail newspaper she had her heart set on reaching her goal weight of 1000lb (450kg) in two years.
She currently weighs 273kg = 600lb, she is trying to put on 400lbs in two years. Let me do the math for you, that is 3.83 lbs/wk
The 42-year-old already holds the title of the world's fattest mother after giving birth to her daughter in 2007 when she weighed 241kg.
I feel sorry for the baby! My other comments on her partner are just not fit for print. She can commit to gaining weight, but she has a "partner" before having a kid.
"I'd love to be 1000lb ... it might be hard though, running after my daughter keeps my weight down," Ms Simpson told the Daily Mail.
Hard....WTF. Imaging later in life, I can't play with you now, I am trying to bulk up.
Ms Simpson, who needs a mobility scooter to go shopping, eats huge amounts of junk food each week and tries to move as little as possible so she doesn't burn off as many calories.
Think about that. You are too fat to go shopping, so you have a little electric scooter that transports you so that YOU CAN BUY MORE FOOD
"I do love cakes and sweet things, doughnuts are my favourite," she said.
If by your own admission, you eat 12,000 calories a day, do you really need a favorite? Also, you eat 750 calories per waking hour. That is:
* 16 Chicken McNuggets/hour, or
* a 12oz AND a 16oz Triple Thick Shake/hour or
* 3 apple pies
* A McChicken and a McDouble -- or if you put the McChicken inside the McDouble, you have a McMiracle -- per hour
Just to give the reading public a frame of reference, I had the said McMiracle once, and I honestly did not want to see food for the next 12 hours. Or looked at another way, she has to eat OVER 1 McNugget every four minutes just to keep on point. That is just amazing.
Ms Simpson said she also loved eating sushi and would often eat 70 big pieces in one go.
I wonder if she uses chopsticks, because she would have to eat 1 piece a minute for 20 minutes to keep up with 750 cal/hour. That gives new meaning to "You will be hungry in one hour. Also, using chopsticks burns more calories. You actually have to think that way. I know a powerlifter who was trying to gain wait and actually wouldn't sleep more than 3 hours. He would set his alarm so that he would wake up and eat."
Her 49-year-old partner Philippe — who she met on a dating site for plus-size people — was encouraging her to reach her goal, she said.
"I think he'd like it if I was bigger ... he's a real belly man and completely supports me," she said.
Has to be the "Boyfriend of the Year" right there.
To put on enough weight, Ms Simpson will need to eat 12,000 calories a day, which is six times the recommended daily intake for women.
Again, 750 calories/waking hour. Again, this is her job.
In order to pay for the enormous amounts of food she is eating — her weekly grocery bill is $815 — Ms Simpson makes money by running a website where men pay to watch her consume fast food.
That is $42,380/yr. After taxes. Also if you are gaining almost 4lbs/week, you are going to need new clothes.
Maybe this personal training gig is the wrong career path. Anybody want to watch me eat some junk food. $29.95/mo, unlimited access. Or for the best value, pay for 12 month as at the low rate of $14.95/mo. You can pay by credit card or electronic check.
To be honest, if this works out and she makes a living eating and having people watch her, she should be invited to Cornell Business School to do a seminar. He food bill will be more than the hotel and rental car combined. Try explaining that on an expense report. Just like those people who organized that orgy at the gym at Sykes.
I can always respect people that have a goal. I did the math just to show how "hard" it is. I don't make fun of overweight people because it is not my nature.
Woman aims to become world's fattest
10:30 AEST Mon Mar 15 2010
By ninemsn staff
Donna Simpson, from New Jersey, weighs 273kg but told the Daily Mail newspaper she had her heart set on reaching her goal weight of 1000lb (450kg) in two years.
She currently weighs 273kg = 600lb, she is trying to put on 400lbs in two years. Let me do the math for you, that is 3.83 lbs/wk
The 42-year-old already holds the title of the world's fattest mother after giving birth to her daughter in 2007 when she weighed 241kg.
I feel sorry for the baby! My other comments on her partner are just not fit for print. She can commit to gaining weight, but she has a "partner" before having a kid.
"I'd love to be 1000lb ... it might be hard though, running after my daughter keeps my weight down," Ms Simpson told the Daily Mail.
Hard....WTF. Imaging later in life, I can't play with you now, I am trying to bulk up.
Ms Simpson, who needs a mobility scooter to go shopping, eats huge amounts of junk food each week and tries to move as little as possible so she doesn't burn off as many calories.
Think about that. You are too fat to go shopping, so you have a little electric scooter that transports you so that YOU CAN BUY MORE FOOD
"I do love cakes and sweet things, doughnuts are my favourite," she said.
If by your own admission, you eat 12,000 calories a day, do you really need a favorite? Also, you eat 750 calories per waking hour. That is:
* 16 Chicken McNuggets/hour, or
* a 12oz AND a 16oz Triple Thick Shake/hour or
* 3 apple pies
* A McChicken and a McDouble -- or if you put the McChicken inside the McDouble, you have a McMiracle -- per hour
Just to give the reading public a frame of reference, I had the said McMiracle once, and I honestly did not want to see food for the next 12 hours. Or looked at another way, she has to eat OVER 1 McNugget every four minutes just to keep on point. That is just amazing.
Ms Simpson said she also loved eating sushi and would often eat 70 big pieces in one go.
I wonder if she uses chopsticks, because she would have to eat 1 piece a minute for 20 minutes to keep up with 750 cal/hour. That gives new meaning to "You will be hungry in one hour. Also, using chopsticks burns more calories. You actually have to think that way. I know a powerlifter who was trying to gain wait and actually wouldn't sleep more than 3 hours. He would set his alarm so that he would wake up and eat."
Her 49-year-old partner Philippe — who she met on a dating site for plus-size people — was encouraging her to reach her goal, she said.
"I think he'd like it if I was bigger ... he's a real belly man and completely supports me," she said.
Has to be the "Boyfriend of the Year" right there.
To put on enough weight, Ms Simpson will need to eat 12,000 calories a day, which is six times the recommended daily intake for women.
Again, 750 calories/waking hour. Again, this is her job.
In order to pay for the enormous amounts of food she is eating — her weekly grocery bill is $815 — Ms Simpson makes money by running a website where men pay to watch her consume fast food.
That is $42,380/yr. After taxes. Also if you are gaining almost 4lbs/week, you are going to need new clothes.
Maybe this personal training gig is the wrong career path. Anybody want to watch me eat some junk food. $29.95/mo, unlimited access. Or for the best value, pay for 12 month as at the low rate of $14.95/mo. You can pay by credit card or electronic check.
To be honest, if this works out and she makes a living eating and having people watch her, she should be invited to Cornell Business School to do a seminar. He food bill will be more than the hotel and rental car combined. Try explaining that on an expense report. Just like those people who organized that orgy at the gym at Sykes.
I can always respect people that have a goal. I did the math just to show how "hard" it is. I don't make fun of overweight people because it is not my nature.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Today's workout...
After today's workshop, I needed to get in a quick workout:
I had 30 minutes and 2 24kg bells:
Double MP/FSq Combo: 10 x 5MP/5FSq
Double Swings: 10x15
I had 30 minutes and 2 24kg bells:
Double MP/FSq Combo: 10 x 5MP/5FSq
Double Swings: 10x15
Friday, March 12, 2010
Two more awesome PRs and proclamation
3 consecutive Get Ups with the 40kg(88lb) with the left hand (i.e., not putting the bell down.
Not much, but it's something...
Snatch PRs:
40kg x 12L
40kg x 13R
Proclamation: Snatch: 40kg x 15L/15R is going down by July 1, 2010
Not much, but it's something...
Snatch PRs:
40kg x 12L
40kg x 13R
Proclamation: Snatch: 40kg x 15L/15R is going down by July 1, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Diet Fail: Attempting to Subtract by Adding....
I saw this today at the local convenience store:

My first reaction was "Are people really that stupid?" Then 7 out of the next 8 people I see are a heart attack waiting to happen. So I guess then answer is: "YES".
The box has on the front cover "20% Daily Value of Fiber" in big letters. That is awesome. (Well really, it is not that awesome.) Look at what else is on the box:
* 6g of fat. And I will be willing to bet that this isn't the heart healthy oils that come from naturally occurring plants, nuts, and legumes. It is the artery-clogging, zit-forming, poop-floating, ass-forming kind of fat.
* Look at the flavor, Frosted Brown Sugar Cinnamon. First, Kellogg's is too lazy to make a real flavor. I would love to have been in whatever corporate meeting was responsible for this flavor.
- Product Director: Hey, we got the fiber in there, what flavor should we make it.
- Budget Director: I think we already went over budget getting the fiber in there, lets not get too fancy with the flavors.
- Marketing Intern: I know, we will just market the heck out of the fact that it has fiber in it. Fiber is really popular these days. I read about it all the time in Weight Watchers and The Biggest Loser.
- "Make It Happen" Manager: Well, we got to think of "something" to put in there.
- Project Manager: We really got to fast-track this thing, lets rein in the project scope. We can save resources in schedule if we just put brown sugar in there.
- PR Manager: We can't just take some fiber and put sugar inside it. Why don't we just add some cinnamon and call it a day.
- Project Manager: Does everyone agree with that?
- All: Yes
- Project Manager: OK, we have made a collective decision to make the flavor "Brown Sugar Cinnamon". I will fill out the change request and distribute.
- Product Manager: I have an issue - I don't think that a Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop Tart is going to be sweet enough. What do we do?
- Marketing Intern: Why don't we do the same thing we do with many other Pop Tarts, put frosting on it.
- Manager of Corporate Branding: Well, that sounds good. What do we call it -- I know: Frosted Brown Sugar Cinnamon.
This is how we get such crap products as "High Fiber Frosted Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop Tarts". Hopefully, there are some lessons learned here.
1) You fix a bad diet by adding something good. Adding 4.4g of fiber is not going to fix the fact that they Pop Tart will jack up your blood sugar. (Attempting to "Subtract" by "Adding" to your diet).
2) Food manufacturers start with the health concept, then add the feature that are mostly unhealthy to give them appeal. Understand EVERYTHING that you are putting into your body. If you are focused on only one aspect of your diet, chances are you will screw everything else up.
3) Read the small print. Fiber was in big letters. Fat was is slightly smaller letters. Brown Sugar even smaller. Frosted even smaller than that. They all count.

My first reaction was "Are people really that
The box has on the front cover "20% Daily Value of Fiber" in big letters. That is awesome. (Well really, it is not that awesome.) Look at what else is on the box:
* 6g of fat. And I will be willing to bet that this isn't the heart healthy oils that come from naturally occurring plants, nuts, and legumes. It is the artery-clogging, zit-forming, poop-floating, ass-forming kind of fat.
* Look at the flavor, Frosted Brown Sugar Cinnamon. First, Kellogg's is too lazy to make a real flavor. I would love to have been in whatever corporate meeting was responsible for this flavor.
- Product Director: Hey, we got the fiber in there, what flavor should we make it.
- Budget Director: I think we already went over budget getting the fiber in there, lets not get too fancy with the flavors.
- Marketing Intern: I know, we will just market the heck out of the fact that it has fiber in it. Fiber is really popular these days. I read about it all the time in Weight Watchers and The Biggest Loser.
- "Make It Happen" Manager: Well, we got to think of "something" to put in there.
- Project Manager: We really got to fast-track this thing, lets rein in the project scope. We can save resources in schedule if we just put brown sugar in there.
- PR Manager: We can't just take some fiber and put sugar inside it. Why don't we just add some cinnamon and call it a day.
- Project Manager: Does everyone agree with that?
- All: Yes
- Project Manager: OK, we have made a collective decision to make the flavor "Brown Sugar Cinnamon". I will fill out the change request and distribute.
- Product Manager: I have an issue - I don't think that a Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop Tart is going to be sweet enough. What do we do?
- Marketing Intern: Why don't we do the same thing we do with many other Pop Tarts, put frosting on it.
- Manager of Corporate Branding: Well, that sounds good. What do we call it -- I know: Frosted Brown Sugar Cinnamon.
This is how we get such crap products as "High Fiber Frosted Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop Tarts". Hopefully, there are some lessons learned here.
1) You fix a bad diet by adding something good. Adding 4.4g of fiber is not going to fix the fact that they Pop Tart will jack up your blood sugar. (Attempting to "Subtract" by "Adding" to your diet).
2) Food manufacturers start with the health concept, then add the feature that are mostly unhealthy to give them appeal. Understand EVERYTHING that you are putting into your body. If you are focused on only one aspect of your diet, chances are you will screw everything else up.
3) Read the small print. Fiber was in big letters. Fat was is slightly smaller letters. Brown Sugar even smaller. Frosted even smaller than that. They all count.
USF KB Club Showreel/Duck Press
Some of my boys kicking it Tampa-style (even if they are girls):
I have added the duck press, where I have a KB between the thumb and index finger, and one between the pinky and ring finger.
I have added the duck press, where I have a KB between the thumb and index finger, and one between the pinky and ring finger.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
New Kettlebell Classes
I have added a new set of Kettlebell class and two new workshops to my Xtreme Athletix location:
* Kettlebell Club at Xtreme Athletix (1505 W Cypress St., Tampa, FL 33606) -- meet M, W, Th at 7:00 PM
* Kettlebell Introductory Workshop (Sat 3/13 9:30 - 11:00 AM) at Xtreme Athletix
* RKC Prep Workshop (Sat 3/20 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM) at Xtreme Athletix
Class descriptions are provided below...
*** Xtreme Athletix Kettlebell Club ***
This group class, lead by one of Florida's highest rated RKC Certified Kettlebell Instructor, Faizal Enu, will take you though the most effective, educational, and fun kettlebell training you have ever experienced!
Kettlebells help you:
* Get Stronger
* Lose Weight
* Improve Joint Mobility and Stability
* Improve Your Sports Performance, not matter what the sport is
* Help Relieve Back, Shoulder, and Knee Pain
* Lower Your Heart Rate and Blood Pressure
If any of the above pertain to you, keep reading.
What to expect during a workout
* Begin with 2-3 minutes of joint mobility and warming up.
* We will then take between 5-10 minutes to do some basic instruction/work on techniques. Kettlebell training is more technical than your normal "boot camp," so this time is very important to your results as well as your safety.
* Do 15-30 minutes of strength training. Exercises selection and intensity will be individually scaled to the participants of the class.
* Do 4-20 minutes of high intensity interval training (HIIT) - if you are thinking that 30 minutes running on a treadmill (aka hamster wheel) will prepare you for this, you are in for a rude awakening. This is the part of the training that separate the men/women from the boys/girls.
* 3-5 mintues of stretching/cooldown.
The average workout will take about 40-60 minutes, but don't think that 40 minutes is going to be easier than 60. I can smoke anybody in 15 minutes, but it doesn't take a talented trainer to smoke you.
To pre-register, please contact Faizal S. Enu, RKC at faizalenu@yahoo.com/813-951-7470.
*** Kettlebell Introductory Workshop with RKC Instructor Faizal S. Enu ***
Date: Sat 3/13/2010
Time: 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Location: Xtreme Athletix (1505 W Cypress St, Tampa, FL 33606)
Curious about kettlebells but were afraid to ask?
Come meet Florida's one of Florida's highest rated RKC Certified Kettlebell Instructor, Faizal Enu, and find out his secrets of effective kettlebell training.
Kettlebells help you:
* Get Stronger
* Improve Athleticism
* Lose Weight
* Increase your Joint Mobility
During this one hour workshop, he will be intructing basic and safe techniques for getting the most out of your kettlebell training.
Some of the topics will include:
* Why you should be training with kettlebells.
* How to program a kettlebell workout that makes sense.
* How NOT to hurt your back or rip your hands during kettlebell training.
* How kettlebell training can increase your performance during sports or life.
Before the end of the workshop, you will be put though one of Faizal Enu's best workouts, dripping with sweat but asking for more!
Space is Limited! Since this is my first workshop at this great location, I am offering a significant discount at only $45. Please contact me at faizalenu@yahoo.com/813-951-7470 to register. Spots are limited
*** Kettlebell Instructors Prep Course for RKC Certification with RKC Instructor Faizal S. Enu ***
Date: Sat 3/20/2010
Time: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Kettlebell Instructors Prep Course for RKC Certification
(1505 W Cypress St, Tampa, FL 33606)
If you are preparing for the RKC workshop, and you want to guarantee that you will pass (and not forfeit at least $1600), you need a workshop that will ensure that you are ready to go. This four hour workshop will do the following:
* Examine your technique to make sure that it is up to snuff with RKC standards.
* Ensure that the safety standards that come with being an RKC are second nature to you.
* Learn what to expect at the RKC certification.
* Learn the techniques and "aha" exercises that will immediately streamline your kettlebell instruction.
* Learn the subtle technques that will enable you to laugh at the RKC snatch test.
I am offering this class for only $197. While that is a bargain, think about this: The RKC certification has about a 30-40% failure rate. The most common reason for failure:
* Being out of shape -- NOPE
* Failing the snatch test -- NOPE, they made it easier
* Poor Preparation -- Ding Ding Ding Ding...YOU ARE CORRECT
Don't leave your preparation to chance. Sign up now (contact faizalenu@yahoo.com/813-951-7470) to get registered.
* Kettlebell Club at Xtreme Athletix (1505 W Cypress St., Tampa, FL 33606) -- meet M, W, Th at 7:00 PM
* Kettlebell Introductory Workshop (Sat 3/13 9:30 - 11:00 AM) at Xtreme Athletix
* RKC Prep Workshop (Sat 3/20 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM) at Xtreme Athletix
Class descriptions are provided below...
*** Xtreme Athletix Kettlebell Club ***
This group class, lead by one of Florida's highest rated RKC Certified Kettlebell Instructor, Faizal Enu, will take you though the most effective, educational, and fun kettlebell training you have ever experienced!
Kettlebells help you:
* Get Stronger
* Lose Weight
* Improve Joint Mobility and Stability
* Improve Your Sports Performance, not matter what the sport is
* Help Relieve Back, Shoulder, and Knee Pain
* Lower Your Heart Rate and Blood Pressure
If any of the above pertain to you, keep reading.
What to expect during a workout
* Begin with 2-3 minutes of joint mobility and warming up.
* We will then take between 5-10 minutes to do some basic instruction/work on techniques. Kettlebell training is more technical than your normal "boot camp," so this time is very important to your results as well as your safety.
* Do 15-30 minutes of strength training. Exercises selection and intensity will be individually scaled to the participants of the class.
* Do 4-20 minutes of high intensity interval training (HIIT) - if you are thinking that 30 minutes running on a treadmill (aka hamster wheel) will prepare you for this, you are in for a rude awakening. This is the part of the training that separate the men/women from the boys/girls.
* 3-5 mintues of stretching/cooldown.
The average workout will take about 40-60 minutes, but don't think that 40 minutes is going to be easier than 60. I can smoke anybody in 15 minutes, but it doesn't take a talented trainer to smoke you.
To pre-register, please contact Faizal S. Enu, RKC at faizalenu@yahoo.com/813-951-7470.
*** Kettlebell Introductory Workshop with RKC Instructor Faizal S. Enu ***
Date: Sat 3/13/2010
Time: 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Location: Xtreme Athletix (1505 W Cypress St, Tampa, FL 33606)
Curious about kettlebells but were afraid to ask?
Come meet Florida's one of Florida's highest rated RKC Certified Kettlebell Instructor, Faizal Enu, and find out his secrets of effective kettlebell training.
Kettlebells help you:
* Get Stronger
* Improve Athleticism
* Lose Weight
* Increase your Joint Mobility
During this one hour workshop, he will be intructing basic and safe techniques for getting the most out of your kettlebell training.
Some of the topics will include:
* Why you should be training with kettlebells.
* How to program a kettlebell workout that makes sense.
* How NOT to hurt your back or rip your hands during kettlebell training.
* How kettlebell training can increase your performance during sports or life.
Before the end of the workshop, you will be put though one of Faizal Enu's best workouts, dripping with sweat but asking for more!
Space is Limited! Since this is my first workshop at this great location, I am offering a significant discount at only $45. Please contact me at faizalenu@yahoo.com/813-951-7470 to register. Spots are limited
*** Kettlebell Instructors Prep Course for RKC Certification with RKC Instructor Faizal S. Enu ***
Date: Sat 3/20/2010
Time: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Kettlebell Instructors Prep Course for RKC Certification
(1505 W Cypress St, Tampa, FL 33606)
If you are preparing for the RKC workshop, and you want to guarantee that you will pass (and not forfeit at least $1600), you need a workshop that will ensure that you are ready to go. This four hour workshop will do the following:
* Examine your technique to make sure that it is up to snuff with RKC standards.
* Ensure that the safety standards that come with being an RKC are second nature to you.
* Learn what to expect at the RKC certification.
* Learn the techniques and "aha" exercises that will immediately streamline your kettlebell instruction.
* Learn the subtle technques that will enable you to laugh at the RKC snatch test.
I am offering this class for only $197. While that is a bargain, think about this: The RKC certification has about a 30-40% failure rate. The most common reason for failure:
* Being out of shape -- NOPE
* Failing the snatch test -- NOPE, they made it easier
* Poor Preparation -- Ding Ding Ding Ding...YOU ARE CORRECT
Don't leave your preparation to chance. Sign up now (contact faizalenu@yahoo.com/813-951-7470) to get registered.
Monday, March 8, 2010
New PRs for the week...
Week of PRs: Long Cycle: 2 24kg x 22reps (Fri)
==> This was a test week and a natural progression to what I have been doing. Did not test, because it was just the day to do LC.
Front Squats: 2 24kg x 20reps (Sat)
==> First time I have ever done more than 10 of these. This tested well.
Snatch: 32kg x 35L/35R (Sun)
==> Pretty significant. My form was rock solid on these, and I have 3 witnesses to this feat but no video. My timing was great. I had never practiced more than 20L/20R. The funny thing is that these did not (toe touch) test well prior, but they felt damn good.
DDR: Hit 40,000,000 on three different songs today on Expert Mode (Mon)
==> This is really about how fresh the CNS is. Since the volume has been pretty low with the PRs, my CNS is thriving. This is a big deal PR, in the songs I am hitting every note, and about 6/7ths of the notes are "PERFECT" or "MARVELOUS". Hips are moving nice. This did test well.
Dumbbell Incline Presses: 75lb x 23reps (Mon -- sorry, it was the heaviest they had)
==> Just means shoulder is getting better. This did test well.
KB Stacked MP: 24kg+16kg x 5reps (Mon)
==> I had been doing more pressing, found a leak (lack of thoracic extension) and fixed it. Really has to grind out the last rep, and you have to be connected to do that. Pressing did test well
I have been reporting them to #preveryday, but I think they have as much to do with coming off of a back off week as anything....
==> This was a test week and a natural progression to what I have been doing. Did not test, because it was just the day to do LC.
Front Squats: 2 24kg x 20reps (Sat)
==> First time I have ever done more than 10 of these. This tested well.
Snatch: 32kg x 35L/35R (Sun)
==> Pretty significant. My form was rock solid on these, and I have 3 witnesses to this feat but no video. My timing was great. I had never practiced more than 20L/20R. The funny thing is that these did not (toe touch) test well prior, but they felt damn good.
DDR: Hit 40,000,000 on three different songs today on Expert Mode (Mon)
==> This is really about how fresh the CNS is. Since the volume has been pretty low with the PRs, my CNS is thriving. This is a big deal PR, in the songs I am hitting every note, and about 6/7ths of the notes are "PERFECT" or "MARVELOUS". Hips are moving nice. This did test well.
Dumbbell Incline Presses: 75lb x 23reps (Mon -- sorry, it was the heaviest they had)
==> Just means shoulder is getting better. This did test well.
KB Stacked MP: 24kg+16kg x 5reps (Mon)
==> I had been doing more pressing, found a leak (lack of thoracic extension) and fixed it. Really has to grind out the last rep, and you have to be connected to do that. Pressing did test well
I have been reporting them to #preveryday, but I think they have as much to do with coming off of a back off week as anything....
Sunday, March 7, 2010
New PRs....
The USF Kettlebell Club had a number of PRs today:
PB -- 100 24kg snatches in 4:34
JW -- 99 24kg snatches in 5:00
FSE -- 32kg snatches: 35L/35R
PB -- 100 24kg snatches in 4:34
JW -- 99 24kg snatches in 5:00
FSE -- 32kg snatches: 35L/35R
New Kettlebell Classes and Workshops in Tampa, FL
I am offering new kettlebell classes at a different location:
Xtreme Athletix (1505 W Cypress St, Tampa, FL 33606): M, W, Th at 7:00 PM
Kettlebell Introductory Workshop with RKC Instructor Faizal S. Enu
Date: Sat 3/13/2010
Time: 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Location: Xtreme Athletix (1505 W Cypress St, Tampa, FL 33606)
Curious about kettlebells but were afraid to ask?

Come meet Florida's one of Florida's highest rated RKC Certified Kettlebell Instructor, Faizal Enu, and find out his secrets of effective kettlebell training.
Kettlebells help you:
* Get Stronger
* Improve Athleticism
* Lose Weight
* Increase your Joint Mobility

During this one hour workshop, he will be intructing basic and safe techniques for getting the most out of your kettlebell training.
Some of the topics will include:
* The history of the kettbell.
* Why you should be training with kettlebells.
* How to program a kettlebell workout that makes sense.
* How NOT to hurt your back or rip your hands during kettlebell training.
* How kettlebell training can increase your performance during sports or life.
Before the end of the workshop, you will be put though one of Faizal Enu's best workouts, dripping with sweat but asking for more!

Space is Limited! Since this is my first workshop at this location, I am offering a significant discount at only $45. Please contact me at faizalenu(at)yahoo(dot)com to sign up.
Kettlebell Instructors Prep Course for RKC Certification with RKC Instructor Faizal S. Enu
Date: Sat 3/20/2010
Time: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Kettlebell Instructors Prep Course for RKC Certification
(1505 W Cypress St, Tampa, FL 33606)

If you are preparing for the RKC workshop, and you want to guarantee that you will pass (and not forfeit at least $1600), you need a workshop that will ensure that you are ready to go. This four hour workshop will do the following:
* Examine your technique to make sure that it is up to snuff with RKC standards.
* Ensure that the safety standards that come with being an RKC are second nature to you.
* Learn what to expect at the RKC certification.
* Learn the techniques and "aha" exercises that will immediately streamline your kettlebell instruction.
* Learn the subtle technques that will enable you to laugh at the "RKC snatch test"
I am offering this class for only $197. While that is a bargain, think about this: The RKC certification has about a 30-40% failure rate. The most common reason for failure:
* Being out of shape -- NOPE
* Failing the snatch test -- NOPE, they made it easier
* Poor Preparation -- Ding Ding Ding Ding...YOU ARE CORRECT
Don't leave your preparation to chance. Sign up (contact faizalenu@yahoo.com) to get started.
Xtreme Athletix (1505 W Cypress St, Tampa, FL 33606): M, W, Th at 7:00 PM
Kettlebell Introductory Workshop with RKC Instructor Faizal S. Enu
Date: Sat 3/13/2010
Time: 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Location: Xtreme Athletix (1505 W Cypress St, Tampa, FL 33606)
Curious about kettlebells but were afraid to ask?

Come meet Florida's one of Florida's highest rated RKC Certified Kettlebell Instructor, Faizal Enu, and find out his secrets of effective kettlebell training.
Kettlebells help you:
* Get Stronger
* Improve Athleticism
* Lose Weight
* Increase your Joint Mobility

During this one hour workshop, he will be intructing basic and safe techniques for getting the most out of your kettlebell training.
Some of the topics will include:
* The history of the kettbell.
* Why you should be training with kettlebells.
* How to program a kettlebell workout that makes sense.
* How NOT to hurt your back or rip your hands during kettlebell training.
* How kettlebell training can increase your performance during sports or life.
Before the end of the workshop, you will be put though one of Faizal Enu's best workouts, dripping with sweat but asking for more!

Space is Limited! Since this is my first workshop at this location, I am offering a significant discount at only $45. Please contact me at faizalenu(at)yahoo(dot)com to sign up.
Kettlebell Instructors Prep Course for RKC Certification with RKC Instructor Faizal S. Enu
Date: Sat 3/20/2010
Time: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Kettlebell Instructors Prep Course for RKC Certification
(1505 W Cypress St, Tampa, FL 33606)

If you are preparing for the RKC workshop, and you want to guarantee that you will pass (and not forfeit at least $1600), you need a workshop that will ensure that you are ready to go. This four hour workshop will do the following:
* Examine your technique to make sure that it is up to snuff with RKC standards.
* Ensure that the safety standards that come with being an RKC are second nature to you.
* Learn what to expect at the RKC certification.
* Learn the techniques and "aha" exercises that will immediately streamline your kettlebell instruction.
* Learn the subtle technques that will enable you to laugh at the "RKC snatch test"
I am offering this class for only $197. While that is a bargain, think about this: The RKC certification has about a 30-40% failure rate. The most common reason for failure:
* Being out of shape -- NOPE
* Failing the snatch test -- NOPE, they made it easier
* Poor Preparation -- Ding Ding Ding Ding...YOU ARE CORRECT
Don't leave your preparation to chance. Sign up (contact faizalenu@yahoo.com) to get started.
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