09/11 -- Kettlebell Excellence Series: Introductory Kettlebell Workshop
09/18 -- Kettlebell Excellence Series: Core & Mobility Kettlebell Workshop
10/02 -- Kettlebell Excellence Series: Introductory Kettlebell Workshop
10/09 -- Kettlebell Excellence Series: Intermediate Kettlebell Workshop
10/23 -- Kettlebell Excellence Series: Introductory Kettlebell Workshop
10/30 -- Kettlebell Excellence Series: Core & Mobility Kettlebell Workshop
11/13 -- Kettlebell Excellence Series: Intermediate Kettlebell Workshop
12/04 -- Kettlebell Excellence Series: Introductory Kettlebell Workshop
All Workshops run from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Questions: Call Faizal @ 813-951-7470
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
10 Fallacies of Logic when it Comes to Training Programs
Read any fitness-related forum, and you will see the following fallacies of logic when it comes to program design. It won't be hard to find them either.
1) "I did my current program for 1 month and lost 6 lbs. Now I am not getting results, why do I suck so bad".
The fact of the matter is that the body changes to adapt to the changing demands placed upon it. In the first month, you made a change. Now you lost weight (or gained weight, whatever) to adapt. If you do the same thing, nothing needs to change. That is why your program HAS TO change. You are essentially a new person. You need to create that "overload." More weight, longer duration, less rest, more advanced exercises ==> something has to "overloaded" to force the change. If you are doing the same stuff in your boot camp, don't be surprised when nothing changes. A good boot camp has progression that keep you challenged. If you are still doing the same mind-numbing program on the treadmill....get real?
2) If I want to pass a test, I should train by taking the test over and over. That is the SAID Principle.
The SAID Principle is Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands. This principle is probably the most misunderstood in training. Lets take for example the RKC snatch test. There are a lot of ways to prepare for it, but what SAID is saying is that you get better at what you practice. For example, lets say you get good at swings (hip dominant movement), do you think you will get better at snatches (hip dominant movement)? Of course The mistake a lot of people make is that they practice the 100 snatches before they are ready to do 100 snatches. A lot of the snatches have poor form and they get into bad habits. Or they tear up their hands, and develop bad habits. And for every bad snatch, you have to do 10 good ones to correct the bad one.
Also, with kettlebell presses, a lot of people use different leverage presses and overload presses to develop different parts of the press. How come no one does that with swings. Let's say your goal was to press the 40kg bell. Let's say now you are pressing the 24kg. Would you just pick up the 40kg bell and try to press it?
THEN WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU DO THE SNATCH TEST ALL THE TIME IF YOU CAN'T DO IT. Why not CORRECT your weaknesses instead of INGRAINING them? No hip pop, how about double swings or dead snatches. Casting the bell? How about hang snatches? Jumping your snatches? How about some double snatches. Cutting off your snatches prior to vertical? How about some overhead walks. Building volume without technique is like building a house without a foundation.
I had two people schedule sessions with me to get them to their snatch test numbers. They wanted workout. First thing I did is what them snatch. I gave them corrective exercises. Both passed with flying colors in two weeks.
3) If I combine these programs, I will get the results for both.
This one is partly right, you will usually get the results of the program, but the bad ones. For example if you combine GtG deadlifts, and RoP, and VWC, you will probably get the CNS frying of deadlift, the overtraining of RoP and, the torn hands of VWC. Usually the people that ask this type of assanine question, will ask a similar question after after being on their program/deathmarch for 9 days.
Or you also get this. I am doing this crappy program, and I am not getting results. Can I add Crossfit to this. Now I am not hating on CrossFit, but most people would benefit more by fixing the crap in their programs rather than adding stuff to it.
4) What is the goal of your training?
I will be honest with you, if you have under 18 months of training under your belt, you probably don't need to ask this question. In most cases, a generic program like ETK/RoP or Westside Barbell will work best for you. The reason I am not all type-A on goal setting for newbies is that most newbies have general, rather than specific, conditioning needs. Because of this, a generic program will usually serve the needs very well and put the trainee in balance. Usually any attempts to get specific usually throw them out of balance.
Also, with most new trainees, they don't know what is possible and what isn't. They really only know their own bodies. How can they select a goal when they don't know what is possible. Since their "goals" are not going to affect how I train them, I don't ask.
5) I saw this program on TV, I want results like that.
I will keep this one real simple. Before you invest in the results that you see on TV all the time, ask yourself how many people you know that have gotten results from that program. If you have seen the commercial more times than people you have known that have completed the program, the financial success of the program is more due to marketing success than actually getting people in shape. If you see photoshop being used during the commercials, that is another red flag.
On Biggest Loser and the like, remember these are TV shows that entertain first, and education falls by the wayside.
6) I did the first day of the program, and I felt great - should I do more.
When you are looking at a program, you are looking for the results of the program, you are not looking for "tough workouts." you not only have to take into account intensity and volume, you also have to take into account frequency, or the amount of time you have to recover. In other words, in a program, there is a logic behind each workout. Especially in higher-frequency programs like PttP and RoP, you can't go balls out everytime. This is simply GAS Principle stuff. If the program calls from frequent (3-5x/week), you can't go hard all the time.
7) If I want the results of this program, but don't like/can't do this exercise, I will just substitute this one.
I see this a lot with mass-building or strength building programs. Usually the exercises asked for in this program are heavy, full-body like like deadlifts or squats. And the fact of the matter is that some people just don't have the stones to do those lifts. Well listen guys, when you are evaluating a program, you can't separate the exercise from the protocol. So if I *double face palm* when someone asks "I want wiry mass, I will do PttP. I don't like deadlifts and side presses, can I do leg extensions and tricep kickbacks instead?" you know why.
8) Being surprised that an increase in one lift does not lead to an increase in the main lift.
For example, a lot of people are surprised that a increase in the leg press does not lead to an increase in the squat. Or that an increased bottoms up press may not lead to an increase in pressing. In a leg press, the hip extension is at a different angle than the squat. Also, your hips are supported. Very different than a squat. Totally different exercise. Also, when you do special presses like the bottoms up press or push presses, it only helps if the special press corrects what is the weak link in your normal presses. Follow what the Westsiders do. Do the main lifts, and select corrective exercises based on your weak points.
Also, don't try to say, I can stack press the 24kg and 16kg 6 times, that must be the equivalent of pressing the Beast. Maybe, maybe not. If your have hard time "anchoring" the Beast, stacked presses are not going to help.
9) If a program calls for this exercise, and I pick a harder variation for this exercise, the program will be better right?
Wrong Kimosabe. I hear this a lot with stuff like RoP and VWC. In right of passage, I hear "I am going to do ladders, but I am going to do them bottoms up because it is harder." You are going to fry your CNS doing that. Just lift a heavier bell. Or for VWC/MaxVO2, can't I do Jerks instead, they are harder. Well smart guy, that program with long cycle is that the exercise takes longer, not a great fit if you are working in :15 intervals. Again, the creator of the program is not holding out on you, don't try to "enhance" programs in this way. When you develop a PROGRAM the exercise is as much as part of the the program of the protocol.
10) Asking "Which program is better?"
Here is another one I see on the forum. It is really annoying. Look people, any program that has any type of long-term clout works for something, IF you do it. There is something hidden when poeple ask this question. What they are really doing is taking the accountability away from them and putting it on the program. The better way to evaluate a program is:
* What are my objectives?
1) Does the program sastisfy my objective?
2) Is it doable/feasible?
==> If the answer to these two questions is "YES". Do the program. Commit to it.
Usually people that ask this question also play program roulette.
1) "I did my current program for 1 month and lost 6 lbs. Now I am not getting results, why do I suck so bad".
The fact of the matter is that the body changes to adapt to the changing demands placed upon it. In the first month, you made a change. Now you lost weight (or gained weight, whatever) to adapt. If you do the same thing, nothing needs to change. That is why your program HAS TO change. You are essentially a new person. You need to create that "overload." More weight, longer duration, less rest, more advanced exercises ==> something has to "overloaded" to force the change. If you are doing the same stuff in your boot camp, don't be surprised when nothing changes. A good boot camp has progression that keep you challenged. If you are still doing the same mind-numbing program on the treadmill....get real?
2) If I want to pass a test, I should train by taking the test over and over. That is the SAID Principle.
The SAID Principle is Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands. This principle is probably the most misunderstood in training. Lets take for example the RKC snatch test. There are a lot of ways to prepare for it, but what SAID is saying is that you get better at what you practice. For example, lets say you get good at swings (hip dominant movement), do you think you will get better at snatches (hip dominant movement)? Of course The mistake a lot of people make is that they practice the 100 snatches before they are ready to do 100 snatches. A lot of the snatches have poor form and they get into bad habits. Or they tear up their hands, and develop bad habits. And for every bad snatch, you have to do 10 good ones to correct the bad one.
Also, with kettlebell presses, a lot of people use different leverage presses and overload presses to develop different parts of the press. How come no one does that with swings. Let's say your goal was to press the 40kg bell. Let's say now you are pressing the 24kg. Would you just pick up the 40kg bell and try to press it?
THEN WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU DO THE SNATCH TEST ALL THE TIME IF YOU CAN'T DO IT. Why not CORRECT your weaknesses instead of INGRAINING them? No hip pop, how about double swings or dead snatches. Casting the bell? How about hang snatches? Jumping your snatches? How about some double snatches. Cutting off your snatches prior to vertical? How about some overhead walks. Building volume without technique is like building a house without a foundation.
I had two people schedule sessions with me to get them to their snatch test numbers. They wanted workout. First thing I did is what them snatch. I gave them corrective exercises. Both passed with flying colors in two weeks.
3) If I combine these programs, I will get the results for both.
This one is partly right, you will usually get the results of the program, but the bad ones. For example if you combine GtG deadlifts, and RoP, and VWC, you will probably get the CNS frying of deadlift, the overtraining of RoP and, the torn hands of VWC. Usually the people that ask this type of assanine question, will ask a similar question after after being on their program/deathmarch for 9 days.
Or you also get this. I am doing this crappy program, and I am not getting results. Can I add Crossfit to this. Now I am not hating on CrossFit, but most people would benefit more by fixing the crap in their programs rather than adding stuff to it.
4) What is the goal of your training?
I will be honest with you, if you have under 18 months of training under your belt, you probably don't need to ask this question. In most cases, a generic program like ETK/RoP or Westside Barbell will work best for you. The reason I am not all type-A on goal setting for newbies is that most newbies have general, rather than specific, conditioning needs. Because of this, a generic program will usually serve the needs very well and put the trainee in balance. Usually any attempts to get specific usually throw them out of balance.
Also, with most new trainees, they don't know what is possible and what isn't. They really only know their own bodies. How can they select a goal when they don't know what is possible. Since their "goals" are not going to affect how I train them, I don't ask.
5) I saw this program on TV, I want results like that.
I will keep this one real simple. Before you invest in the results that you see on TV all the time, ask yourself how many people you know that have gotten results from that program. If you have seen the commercial more times than people you have known that have completed the program, the financial success of the program is more due to marketing success than actually getting people in shape. If you see photoshop being used during the commercials, that is another red flag.
On Biggest Loser and the like, remember these are TV shows that entertain first, and education falls by the wayside.
6) I did the first day of the program, and I felt great - should I do more.
When you are looking at a program, you are looking for the results of the program, you are not looking for "tough workouts." you not only have to take into account intensity and volume, you also have to take into account frequency, or the amount of time you have to recover. In other words, in a program, there is a logic behind each workout. Especially in higher-frequency programs like PttP and RoP, you can't go balls out everytime. This is simply GAS Principle stuff. If the program calls from frequent (3-5x/week), you can't go hard all the time.
7) If I want the results of this program, but don't like/can't do this exercise, I will just substitute this one.
I see this a lot with mass-building or strength building programs. Usually the exercises asked for in this program are heavy, full-body like like deadlifts or squats. And the fact of the matter is that some people just don't have the stones to do those lifts. Well listen guys, when you are evaluating a program, you can't separate the exercise from the protocol. So if I *double face palm* when someone asks "I want wiry mass, I will do PttP. I don't like deadlifts and side presses, can I do leg extensions and tricep kickbacks instead?" you know why.
8) Being surprised that an increase in one lift does not lead to an increase in the main lift.
For example, a lot of people are surprised that a increase in the leg press does not lead to an increase in the squat. Or that an increased bottoms up press may not lead to an increase in pressing. In a leg press, the hip extension is at a different angle than the squat. Also, your hips are supported. Very different than a squat. Totally different exercise. Also, when you do special presses like the bottoms up press or push presses, it only helps if the special press corrects what is the weak link in your normal presses. Follow what the Westsiders do. Do the main lifts, and select corrective exercises based on your weak points.
Also, don't try to say, I can stack press the 24kg and 16kg 6 times, that must be the equivalent of pressing the Beast. Maybe, maybe not. If your have hard time "anchoring" the Beast, stacked presses are not going to help.
9) If a program calls for this exercise, and I pick a harder variation for this exercise, the program will be better right?
Wrong Kimosabe. I hear this a lot with stuff like RoP and VWC. In right of passage, I hear "I am going to do ladders, but I am going to do them bottoms up because it is harder." You are going to fry your CNS doing that. Just lift a heavier bell. Or for VWC/MaxVO2, can't I do Jerks instead, they are harder. Well smart guy, that program with long cycle is that the exercise takes longer, not a great fit if you are working in :15 intervals. Again, the creator of the program is not holding out on you, don't try to "enhance" programs in this way. When you develop a PROGRAM the exercise is as much as part of the the program of the protocol.
10) Asking "Which program is better?"
Here is another one I see on the forum. It is really annoying. Look people, any program that has any type of long-term clout works for something, IF you do it. There is something hidden when poeple ask this question. What they are really doing is taking the accountability away from them and putting it on the program. The better way to evaluate a program is:
* What are my objectives?
1) Does the program sastisfy my objective?
2) Is it doable/feasible?
==> If the answer to these two questions is "YES". Do the program. Commit to it.
Usually people that ask this question also play program roulette.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Getting Results....
This is going to be a very short blog post because the subject is really not that difficult. Many people ask me about how to get results from their training. A lot of them seem legitimately frustrated when they ask me.
Here is my answer: Did you do the work? If the answer is anything other than "Yes", then reason is simple. You didn't do the work!
It is really that simple. When it comes to your body, it adapting to the work that you get it to do. It is not adapting to your excuses. Or your self-justifications.
Just like simple project management, when you are looking to get results:
1) Determine your goal attainable goal
2) Pick a plan that will get you to the goal
3) Execute the plan
4) Periodically assess progress and replan if necessary
Picking goals and plans are talked about all the time. The fact of the matter is that it is all about execution:
* This is actually the easiest, but most ignore, part of the process. The results come from what you do, not what you plan.
* What's in your training log? Do you even have one? How do you know you are getting better? If you don't keep a training log, you have pretty much sealed your failure. You did not document your execution.
* How many workouts have you missed in the last month? MOST PEOPLE DON'T FAIL BECAUSE THEY ARE ON THE WRONG PROGRAM. MOST PEOPLE FAIL BECAUSE THEY ARE DOING THE RIGHT PROGRAM with poor execution. Again, it is not the program that gets results, it is the work.
* No one else can do the work for you.
* On the Dragon Door forum, you get a lot of people asking "Can I mix {program A} with {program B}, I tell them if you do that you are not doing either program. Without fail, in two weeks they ask if they can combine program C, but can I substitute lunges for squats or something dumbass like that. I indoubtably say, if you substitute the exercises, it is no longer program C. The author of the program did not hold out on you. My point is this: Select a program and DO IT. Can't do one exercise in the program? Don't have the equipment or space to do it? Don't have time? PICK ANOTHER PROGRAM! THEN DO IT - for as long as it says to do it! Don't worry about picking the program if you ADD or SAE prevent you from sticking with one.
Don't even think about replanning until you have done one cycle on the program. I have a guy that lost 44lb in four months. Simple, he stayed with ETK/RoP for four months. I have a guy that gained 13lb in 9 weeks. Simple, he stayed with RTK for 9 weeks. If you haven't stayed with a program for 2 weeks, don't bellyache about a lack of results. You haven't put enough time in. If you have watched every episode of Big Brother, but don't have time to workout, you don't have your priorities straight. Simple, these guys got great results in a short amount of time by STAYING WITH HIGHLY PROVEN PROGRAM.
Now that they have gotten the results, we will look to replan. The guy who lost weight may be looking to put on some muscle. Maybe learn the long cycle and do some RTK. He is taking the snatch test to see if he "qualifies." The other is looking to lean out a little. How about some Max VO2? New bodies, new goals ==> new plans.
To summarize: Set Goal ==> Select A Plan ==> Do the Work!
Here is my answer: Did you do the work? If the answer is anything other than "Yes", then reason is simple. You didn't do the work!
It is really that simple. When it comes to your body, it adapting to the work that you get it to do. It is not adapting to your excuses. Or your self-justifications.
Just like simple project management, when you are looking to get results:
1) Determine your goal attainable goal
2) Pick a plan that will get you to the goal
3) Execute the plan
4) Periodically assess progress and replan if necessary
Picking goals and plans are talked about all the time. The fact of the matter is that it is all about execution:
* This is actually the easiest, but most ignore, part of the process. The results come from what you do, not what you plan.
* What's in your training log? Do you even have one? How do you know you are getting better? If you don't keep a training log, you have pretty much sealed your failure. You did not document your execution.
* How many workouts have you missed in the last month? MOST PEOPLE DON'T FAIL BECAUSE THEY ARE ON THE WRONG PROGRAM. MOST PEOPLE FAIL BECAUSE THEY ARE DOING THE RIGHT PROGRAM with poor execution. Again, it is not the program that gets results, it is the work.
* No one else can do the work for you.
* On the Dragon Door forum, you get a lot of people asking "Can I mix {program A} with {program B}, I tell them if you do that you are not doing either program. Without fail, in two weeks they ask if they can combine program C, but can I substitute lunges for squats or something dumbass like that. I indoubtably say, if you substitute the exercises, it is no longer program C. The author of the program did not hold out on you. My point is this: Select a program and DO IT. Can't do one exercise in the program? Don't have the equipment or space to do it? Don't have time? PICK ANOTHER PROGRAM! THEN DO IT - for as long as it says to do it! Don't worry about picking the program if you ADD or SAE prevent you from sticking with one.
Don't even think about replanning until you have done one cycle on the program. I have a guy that lost 44lb in four months. Simple, he stayed with ETK/RoP for four months. I have a guy that gained 13lb in 9 weeks. Simple, he stayed with RTK for 9 weeks. If you haven't stayed with a program for 2 weeks, don't bellyache about a lack of results. You haven't put enough time in. If you have watched every episode of Big Brother, but don't have time to workout, you don't have your priorities straight. Simple, these guys got great results in a short amount of time by STAYING WITH HIGHLY PROVEN PROGRAM.
Now that they have gotten the results, we will look to replan. The guy who lost weight may be looking to put on some muscle. Maybe learn the long cycle and do some RTK. He is taking the snatch test to see if he "qualifies." The other is looking to lean out a little. How about some Max VO2? New bodies, new goals ==> new plans.
To summarize: Set Goal ==> Select A Plan ==> Do the Work!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Kettlebell Group Training/South Tampa
I am starting a Kettlebell Group Training Class in South Tampa (Xtreme Athletix/1505 W Cypress St.) on Mon, Wed, and Thu.
If you are looking to get in shape, and are tired of the run around from the box gyms, kettlebell training is where its at.
Only $300/month, discounts available for long-term commitments.
To learn more, contact Faizal at 813-951-7470.
If you are looking to get in shape, and are tired of the run around from the box gyms, kettlebell training is where its at.
Only $300/month, discounts available for long-term commitments.
To learn more, contact Faizal at 813-951-7470.
In home Personal Training (South Tampa/Weekends Only)
In-home Personal Training only $100/hr (or $75/hr for 10 sessions).
ISSA- and RKC-certified fitness instructor with a knack for getting people in shape. Whether your goal is weight loss, strength, injury recovery, or athletic development - I will get you there. I have all the equipment you need an nothing you don't (e.g., no BOSU balls).
Check out my blog: http://faizalenu.blogspot.com/
Check out my instructor reviews: http://www.dragondoor.com/instructor/1010
Recent review:
Since taking Faizal's beginner kettlbell workshop my fitness has gone nowhere but up. I've since taken his intermediate level workshop in addition to private training sessions. Unlike traditional personal training, Faizal just doesn't simply tell you to do something, he explains the reasoning behind every correction and movement. This gives you the tools to truly learn about kettlebells, rather than just paying someone to walk you through a workout (not just a clipboard holder). As a member of the military, the carryover from using kettlebells has been substantial. It takes me a lot longer to feel fatigue while running, I am much stronger and I have had positive changes in my physique (can you say understatement). This will help me do much better on my fitness exams. Kettlebell training with Faizal has been the most productive training I have ever done (and she has done a lot)!
B.N., Largo, FL
Ladies and Gentlemen, what are you waiting for? Call Faizal at 813-951-7470 for a free consultation.
ISSA- and RKC-certified fitness instructor with a knack for getting people in shape. Whether your goal is weight loss, strength, injury recovery, or athletic development - I will get you there. I have all the equipment you need an nothing you don't (e.g., no BOSU balls).
Check out my blog: http://faizalenu.blogspot.com/
Check out my instructor reviews: http://www.dragondoor.com/instructor/1010
Recent review:
Since taking Faizal's beginner kettlbell workshop my fitness has gone nowhere but up. I've since taken his intermediate level workshop in addition to private training sessions. Unlike traditional personal training, Faizal just doesn't simply tell you to do something, he explains the reasoning behind every correction and movement. This gives you the tools to truly learn about kettlebells, rather than just paying someone to walk you through a workout (not just a clipboard holder). As a member of the military, the carryover from using kettlebells has been substantial. It takes me a lot longer to feel fatigue while running, I am much stronger and I have had positive changes in my physique (can you say understatement). This will help me do much better on my fitness exams. Kettlebell training with Faizal has been the most productive training I have ever done (and she has done a lot)!
B.N., Largo, FL
Ladies and Gentlemen, what are you waiting for? Call Faizal at 813-951-7470 for a free consultation.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Top 20 Professional Wrestlers list....
...granted, this is based on my biases and age, but here goes....
1) Bob Backlund - ultimate baby face and technician.
2) Shawn Michaels - made all his opponents look good.
3) Ric Flair - best promo guy and could easily go 60 min.
4) Bret Hart - excellent technician, best there is...
5) Jimmy Snuka - probably inspired more people to become wrestlers (Tommy Dreamer, Cactus Jack) than any other wrestler. Responsible for the high flyers of today.
6) Kurt Angle - Puts on a great match
7) The Undertaker - Undefeated at Wrestlemania (or at least was...)
8) Chris Daniels/Curry Man -- Best of the current crop of today's wrestlers.
9) Steve Austin - Cuz Faizal Enu said so.
10) Rick Steamboat - Had the best all time match with Randy "Macho Man" Savage
11) Edge - TLC
12) Greg Valentine - Great heel
13) Iron Sheik - Better Heel
14) Mick Foley/Cactus Jack - Did more for extreme wrestling than any body...
15) Terry Funk - except Terry Funk
16) Kane - Been at the game a long time. Great at playing the monster heel.
17) Scott Hall/Razor Ramon - Ladder match with Shawn Michaels a legend. Could have been better.
18) Ivan Koloff - Underrated heel from the 70's and 80's
19) Rick Martel - Great technician and personality...
20) Sargeant Slaughter - Really great at working stiff.
1) Bob Backlund - ultimate baby face and technician.
2) Shawn Michaels - made all his opponents look good.
3) Ric Flair - best promo guy and could easily go 60 min.
4) Bret Hart - excellent technician, best there is...
5) Jimmy Snuka - probably inspired more people to become wrestlers (Tommy Dreamer, Cactus Jack) than any other wrestler. Responsible for the high flyers of today.
6) Kurt Angle - Puts on a great match
7) The Undertaker - Undefeated at Wrestlemania (or at least was...)
8) Chris Daniels/Curry Man -- Best of the current crop of today's wrestlers.
9) Steve Austin - Cuz Faizal Enu said so.
10) Rick Steamboat - Had the best all time match with Randy "Macho Man" Savage
11) Edge - TLC
12) Greg Valentine - Great heel
13) Iron Sheik - Better Heel
14) Mick Foley/Cactus Jack - Did more for extreme wrestling than any body...
15) Terry Funk - except Terry Funk
16) Kane - Been at the game a long time. Great at playing the monster heel.
17) Scott Hall/Razor Ramon - Ladder match with Shawn Michaels a legend. Could have been better.
18) Ivan Koloff - Underrated heel from the 70's and 80's
19) Rick Martel - Great technician and personality...
20) Sargeant Slaughter - Really great at working stiff.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Just a random top 10 list.....
1) I have had a lot of good results teaching the snatch lately, esp. to females. Here are keys to success:
* Master the swing first....
* Teach the snatch to and open hand. It mitigates the "cast" and "overgripping"
* Don't rush to teach the snatch. I know when I have someone from my workshop that is learning from a teach-along video or a video that comes with a bell, they try the snatch waayyyy to early.
* If you focus on the hands during the snatch, the snatch tends to be "mechanical" and not "fluid/smooth". Teach the snatch from the swing and high pull. If they can't swing, they can't snatch. If they can't high pull, they can't snatch.
* I teach to the high pull from the swing. I then teach the punch through to an open hand to a dead stop, then I put humpty dumpty together.
2) There has been a lot of talk on the DragonDoor forum about the beautiful swing. All I care about are two things: 1) Is it safe? 2) Is it effective? The swing should look powerful, smooth, and athletic. It should not be jerky and it should definitely not look dangerous.
3) I had the following conversation with a client -- we were talking about how you get overweight. In a sense, it is simple as "Don't eat so much!". In another sense it is so much more complicated than that. People who get emotional over food have stuff they are dealing with. It is not always easy to deal with, but it is not OK to use food to satisfy emotional issues for one reason: It doesn't work!
4) I looked at the new TRX/kettlebell video "Iron Circuit Conditioning". Very professional video and Chris Frankel is as engaging as Pavel. Chris Gaines really looked impressive in the video. They also did a good job with the beginner, intermediate and advanced TRX and kettlebell variations.
5) I had a client that gained 13 lbs of mass on Return of the Kettlebell (RTK). Kettlebell and Barbell lifts are all going up. I am writing on article about this. Here is the key to succeeding with RTK: PUSH THE "PLAY" BUTTON.
6) Just to switch gears. With all the medications being doled out (I remember doing a client intake for someone who was on 86 medications), I think we will catch up with France and have cirrhosis of the liver being the second leading killer in the US.
7) Kettlebell are not being sold in more places. They are not cheap either, about $1.75 to $2.00/lb for "eh" bells. Get bells that have 100%/1 year money back guarantee.

8) Just a question, if you are doing movement screens and don't have an FMS, are you working outside your scope of practice? I don't just say no, I say "HELL NO!" as long as you can interpret what you are seeing and your tests make sense.
9) If you are looking at getting certified to teach kettlebells (and more than using them for curls and upright rows), click one of the following:

10) Favorite Tampa Restaurants:
* Tampa Bay Brewing Company
* Shrimp and Company (underrated too)
* Capital Grille
* The Tropicana
* Sukothai (Thai is getting like "NY style" Chinese in Tampa)
* Ceviche, South Tampa
* Yoko's Sushi (there is way too much sushi in Tampa)
* Pane Rustica
* Miguel's (this place is awesome)
* Iavoroni's
==> I know this list is South Tampa/Ybor bias. Anybody have any other suggestions.
11) Just a thought -- double swings are easier than a two-handed swing with the same weight. The reason: in double swings the wrists are slightly ulnar deviated. This is why a lot of people can swing heavier with a T-bar or other wide-handled apprati.
12) I have just gotten off 12 weeks of RKT, and one thing the Long Cycle Clean and Jerks have gotten me better at is DDR. The reason, better body control, especially in the hips. And stability in the hips has improved even though not specifically practicing it in the LC C&J.
==> Hey, the Big 10 is going to have 12 teams next year and the Big 12 is going to have 10 teams. Think about that one....
That's it!
* Master the swing first....
* Teach the snatch to and open hand. It mitigates the "cast" and "overgripping"
* Don't rush to teach the snatch. I know when I have someone from my workshop that is learning from a teach-along video or a video that comes with a bell, they try the snatch waayyyy to early.
* If you focus on the hands during the snatch, the snatch tends to be "mechanical" and not "fluid/smooth". Teach the snatch from the swing and high pull. If they can't swing, they can't snatch. If they can't high pull, they can't snatch.
* I teach to the high pull from the swing. I then teach the punch through to an open hand to a dead stop, then I put humpty dumpty together.
2) There has been a lot of talk on the DragonDoor forum about the beautiful swing. All I care about are two things: 1) Is it safe? 2) Is it effective? The swing should look powerful, smooth, and athletic. It should not be jerky and it should definitely not look dangerous.
3) I had the following conversation with a client -- we were talking about how you get overweight. In a sense, it is simple as "Don't eat so much!". In another sense it is so much more complicated than that. People who get emotional over food have stuff they are dealing with. It is not always easy to deal with, but it is not OK to use food to satisfy emotional issues for one reason: It doesn't work!
4) I looked at the new TRX/kettlebell video "Iron Circuit Conditioning". Very professional video and Chris Frankel is as engaging as Pavel. Chris Gaines really looked impressive in the video. They also did a good job with the beginner, intermediate and advanced TRX and kettlebell variations.
5) I had a client that gained 13 lbs of mass on Return of the Kettlebell (RTK). Kettlebell and Barbell lifts are all going up. I am writing on article about this. Here is the key to succeeding with RTK: PUSH THE "PLAY" BUTTON.
6) Just to switch gears. With all the medications being doled out (I remember doing a client intake for someone who was on 86 medications), I think we will catch up with France and have cirrhosis of the liver being the second leading killer in the US.
7) Kettlebell are not being sold in more places. They are not cheap either, about $1.75 to $2.00/lb for "eh" bells. Get bells that have 100%/1 year money back guarantee.
8) Just a question, if you are doing movement screens and don't have an FMS, are you working outside your scope of practice? I don't just say no, I say "HELL NO!" as long as you can interpret what you are seeing and your tests make sense.
9) If you are looking at getting certified to teach kettlebells (and more than using them for curls and upright rows), click one of the following:
10) Favorite Tampa Restaurants:
* Tampa Bay Brewing Company
* Shrimp and Company (underrated too)
* Capital Grille
* The Tropicana
* Sukothai (Thai is getting like "NY style" Chinese in Tampa)
* Ceviche, South Tampa
* Yoko's Sushi (there is way too much sushi in Tampa)
* Pane Rustica
* Miguel's (this place is awesome)
* Iavoroni's
==> I know this list is South Tampa/Ybor bias. Anybody have any other suggestions.
11) Just a thought -- double swings are easier than a two-handed swing with the same weight. The reason: in double swings the wrists are slightly ulnar deviated. This is why a lot of people can swing heavier with a T-bar or other wide-handled apprati.
12) I have just gotten off 12 weeks of RKT, and one thing the Long Cycle Clean and Jerks have gotten me better at is DDR. The reason, better body control, especially in the hips. And stability in the hips has improved even though not specifically practicing it in the LC C&J.
==> Hey, the Big 10 is going to have 12 teams next year and the Big 12 is going to have 10 teams. Think about that one....
That's it!
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