Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Stuff I want to get good at....

My shoulder has been jacked up for most of 2009, so not as many new strength feats this year. None to happy about that.

I did lose 30+ lbs and maintained most of my strength, so I guess I can't complain too much. Now fitting into size 32s again.

Here is the stuff that I want to get proficient with in 2010:
* KB Pressing: 40kg x 3 reps current, 48 x 1 goal
* 24kg 5 minute snatch test: 142, 150
* 32kg 5 minute snatch test: 75, 100
* 40kg snatches: 5 reps, 10L/10R
* Bent Press: 24kg x 1 left/32kg x 1L/1R (relative speaking, I really suck at this)
* Tactical pullups: 14, 24
* Weighted Tactical Pullup: 24kg, 40kg
* Barbell TGU: 120, 150
* Double 32kg Long-Cycle Clean and Jerks: 8, 20
* Deadlift: 450 (on a really good day), 525

Exercises I want to do more of:
* Snatches
* Double swings
* Squats/Box Squats
* Good Mornings
* Deadlifts
* Windmills
* RKC armbars
* Pistol (these really suck)
* Foam roller work

Other goals:
* Improve relationships
* Grow business
* Average 210 in bowling

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