Saturday May 1, 2010 - 10:45 - 12:15 (Introductory Kettlebell Workshop)
Learn how kettlebells:
* Build He-Man Strength (even if you are a woman)
* Blast Unsightly Fat
* Increase Mobility and Athleticism

Contact Faizal ( or click on the above image to register.
Xtreme Athletix (1505 W. Cypress St., Tampa, FL 33606) is hosting an introductory kettlebell CORE workshop.
Saturday May 8th, 2010 - 10:45 - 12:15 (Kettlebell CORE Development Workshop)
* time subject to change
* Why Renegade Rows are the most efficient core exercise around
* Why everybody should include Turkish Get Ups in their program
* Learn the best exercises for building a resilient core all athletic endeavors

Contact Faizal ( or click on the above image to register.
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