Monday, February 21, 2011

Running Diet Log: 02/21

Monday, 02/21:

* 1/2 cup yogurt, 1 oz. peanuts, 16 oz of tap water
==> I got the tub of yogurt cheap @ $1.99, Peanuts were $2.00 for 8oz
Meal Cost: $.50

* Chicken Dog from Race Track (no bun), Can of Peas
Meal cost: $1.74
==> The chicken dog was surprisingly satisfying.

* 2oz Meatloaf and can of Carrots, 16oz of tap water
Meal cost: ~$1.25, based on ground beef at $3.99/lb

4:00 PM
Protein Shake ("Elite Gourmet" Powder, Ice, 1oz Peanut Butter and Water)
==> Hungry
Meal Cost: $.70

7:30 PM
* Cup of Coffee
==> Coffee is a waste, it costs almost as much as a meal. If you get "coffee drinks", they cost as almost as much as two homemade meals.)
Meal Cost: $2.25

* 1oz Meatloaf (scrap) and 3 eggs
==> Not sure on the cost of the eggs. Used the leftover meat loaf more like a spice than an ingredient.
Meal Cost: $.24 + $.50 = $.74

10:00 PM
Protein Powder (the cheap stuff) and Water
Meal Cost: $.50

Total Cost: $7.68


Food Purchases:
Village Health:
Mangostein w/Gogi Energy Drink: $.99
Guru Energy Drink
Kale Chips (aaaaaaaack): $.99
SupraFiber: $1.99 for 10.6oz

CVS: Two Campbell's Chunky Chili: 2 for $3
Two CVS Gold Emblem "High Energy Mix" 2 for $5

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